The list of documented success stories of CBD use is growing as you read. A boon in the medical context, CBD health benefits have been able to curb many of the short as well as long term ailments that plague much of our society. But the attention is has grabbed now, is the revelation of the CBD news on its possibility to be used in addiction treatment.

But is there truth to these ‘talks’ or are these simply fads, that are nothing but hollow promises? Let us find out. Read on.


Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the several constituents of hemp and marijuana, and is non-addictive and non-psychoactive. This is the sole reason why CBD is an attractive candidate for its use as a highly effective therapeutic drug.

The answer behind most of the CBD queries lies in understanding the way it works. Its link with the body’s endocannabinoid system holds the secret behind unlocking CBD’s full potential. The system has very close ties with the nervous system and regulates many key functions such as pain sensation, memory and even appetite. CBD is also key to controlling pain and intense inflammatory response by binding with the serotonin and the adenosine receptor-the receptors that initiate pain and swelling. All of this without the possibility of feeling ‘high’.

Evidence Supporting The Claim

Most of the focus is on pharmacotherapeutic properties of CBD that helps in preventing the relapse in drug use. One of the key triggers that result in relapse is mood swings and anxiety. Low moods and ultimately depression, is what makes many ex-drug users clamber up to the substance without a second thought. The interaction of the CBD with the endocannabinoid system and the brain circuitry, help in boosted generation of feel-good hormones. These help in enabling better behaviour and moods. As a result, the drug cravings and the seeking behaviours are effectively stomped on.

Pre-clinical trials have been conducted on the possibility of CBD as a treatment for cocaine addiction in mice. While some studies show no reduction, others show a reduction in cocaine use.  Researchers studied the potential of CBD in reducing anxiety, the cravings and the impulsivity associated with alcohol addiction. The effects of CBD in lengthening the relapse time and reducing the sensitivity to the substance by impairing receptors and stress has been noted time and time again.

There is no doubt that further is research needed in this domain, but it is without a doubt that CBD can be the missing link that we have been looking, for beating substance addiction.