Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

The main difference between full-spectrum hemp oil and CBD oil is that the former consists of all the natural compounds found in hemp plants, including the most controversial one called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). There are also other compounds included in full-spectrum hemp oil. One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to the choice of full-spectrum hemp oil is the presence of THC. Although THC is reported to have many benefits, it is basically a psychoactive substance that can have an adverse impact on mental and cognitive functions. Therefore, it is important to get clear advice from your healthcare professional before even considering the option of taking full-spectrum hemp oil.

Are Natural Extracts Safe?

The majority of people, including healthcare professionals, believe that the answer to this question is yes. But what if it is a natural extract with a psychoactive substance like THC? It can’t definitely be considered safer. THC can be easily detected in drug tests, which can be a big concern for individuals who are subjected to regular drug screening. Aside from the few advantages of full-spectrum oil, it is also important to understand the dangers of THC. There are medical reports suggesting that some people use THC for medicinal purposes. But the vast majority of people are concerned about the potential side effects.

Consequences Of THC

All studies conducted so far show that THC is a compound that has the potential to have a significant impact on mental health, which can result in anxiety, paranoia, and even psychosis. All people who have reported taking high doses of THC have reported hallucinations and delusions. So it is basically a substance that can destroy an individual completely. Why would anyone want to sacrifice a lot for the few medicinal benefits that it offers?

The medical side of full-spectrum hemp oil has not been completely proven to date. On the other hand, the impact of THC is a real story. There are also high chances of addiction among THC users. In addition to mental issues, it is also said to have been causing numerous physical side effects like dry mouth, red eyes, an increased heart rate, and impaired coordination and reaction time. It can be very dangerous for people who are involved in tasks such as driving and operating heavy machinery. Long-term THC use can also impact brain development, particularly in adolescents and young adults whose brains are still developing.


It must be noted that almost all countries have banned products that contain more than 0.3% THC, as they cannot be claimed to be safe for use. It is advisable to rely on the laws in your jurisdiction.