CBD For Epilepsy

For numerous years, the cannabis plant has been used for treating health problems, including that affects mental health. People often use the cannabis plant to improve their mood. In the year 1940, it was discovered that the cannabis plant contains a cannabinoid compound known as cannabidiol (CBD), which is responsible for most of its therapeutic effects.

Over the past few decades, CBD has undergone many clinical and laboratory studies that are aimed at finding more about its therapeutic properties. Through these studies, we now know that CBD is a very effective treatment option for many health disorders, including stress, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, chronic pain, skin problems, dementia, IBD, nausea, insomnia, etc.

Read ahead to know the effects of CBD on some mental health disorders.

CBD For Anxiety

Anxiety is said to be the most common mental health disorder. Many studies have looked into the effects of CBD on managing anxiety symptoms and showed positive results. Most of the studies revealed that CBD can control serotonin levels and improve your mood. This will help in alleviating different forms of anxiety found in people.

CBD For Depression

A recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health showed that around 17.1 million people in the United States suffer from depression and related health conditions. Only less than half of these people seek medical treatments like psychotherapy and medications. Recent studies have shown that CBD can improve serotonin levels in the brain. Low serotonin levels can lead to the development of depression and related symptoms. CBD’s antidepressant effects have proven to be very effective in managing depression.

CBD For Epilepsy

CBD has a wide range of benefits for neurologic disorders, including epilepsy. Several studies have revealed that CBD is a very effective option for reducing the severity and frequency of seizures in epileptic patients. Traditional anti-seizure medications are not very effective in treating rare forms of epilepsy like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The FDA has recently approved a CBD-based medication called Epidiolex which can be used to treat these tow forms of epilepsies.

CBD For Sleep Disorders

The calming effects of CBD are very effective in giving you better sleep at night. CBD is a proven treatment for many sleep disorders, including insomnia. Studies have shown that CBD can effectively alleviate anxiety and chronic pain; the two common causes of insomnia.