CBD For Sleep

CBD – an active cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant – can be very helpful for a number of health problems that we suffer from. According to studies, CBD has numerous therapeutic properties, which makes it an effective natural remedy for health problems like anxiety, stress, pain, migraine, epilepsy, skin problems, etc.

Today, CBD is considered a better treatment option for insomnia. If the recent studies and anecdotal records are to be believed, taking CBD oil regularly can help in improving your sleep quality and quantity.

CBD For Sleep

Insomnia is caused by a variety of factors. According to experts, mental health disorders like stress, anxiety, and depression are major causes of insomnia in adults. Some of the medications that you consume can affect your sleep-wake cycle. If you are suffering from chronic pain, getting a good night’s sleep is very difficult for you. Taking too much caffeine during the day is also a common cause of insomnia.

If external factors or related conditions are the main causes of insomnia in you, CBD can be used to improve your sleep quality. Even though the studies are still in the early stages, there is some evidence that supports the use of CBD for sleep.

A study conducted in 2019 looked at how CBD helps in reducing anxiety or improving sleep. Among the 72 participants involved in the study, 47 of them experienced anxiety and 25 of them suffered from insomnia. All the test subjects were given 25 mg of CBD daily in capsule form. After the first month, 66.7% of the test subjects reported an improvement in sleep quality and 79.2% of the test subjects reported a reduction in the anxiety levels.

Another cause of insomnia is pain, which can easily be managed with CBD. Many studies conducted over the years have shown that CBD possesses anti-inflammatory properties that will help in reducing the inflammation in your body. This is very beneficial for managing painful health conditions like arthritis. People who are suffering from arthritis and other painful conditions find it hard to get a good night’s sleep. With the use of CBD, they will get better and longer sleep.

Best Ways To Use CBD Oil For Sleep

We know that CBD is available in a variety of forms. Most people prefer to use CBD edibles like CBD gummies, CBD capsules, and CBD pills because they provide long-lasting effects of CBD. If you need a faster relief, then you need to use CBD tinctures or CBD vapes.